Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Gas, Bad Breath and Authenticity

Posted: October 23, 2017 in Uncategorized

I arrived this morning from Mexico at 1:45 a.m.

I was pleasantly surprised that I still had some energy left after a 13 hour drive from an incredible mission trip as we ministered to the people of Piedras Negras and partnered with Vine and Branches Library and Dunamis Church.

What kept me awake though wasn’t the Red Bull or the many podcasts or the lip syncing to one of my favorite songs, “To Hell with the Devil” by Stryper.

Oddly enough, it was the smell of the students in my van that kept me awake.

Periodic smells of digested street tacos and gaping mouths of students wide open as they slept and the horrific smell of their bad breath filled the van.

But….I didn’t care.  (And maybe it wasn’t just them 🙂

It was a reminder of the close bond, the authenticity and “realness” that we as a team experienced during our four days in Mexico.

You may have heard these words in the church: authentic, doing life together, being real with one another……buzzwords that the church has tried to capture in encouraging people to be honest and real in the hopes of growing closer to one another and Jesus.

I can recount some of those times that I have experienced this sense of authenticity in the context of the church, but to be honest, much of my experience with true authenticity has come in the form of serving with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as we share the Gospel in my community and internationally.

What makes these mission opportunities so authentic?

  1.  We see the best and the worst of each other.  We rejoice, we laugh, we encourage one another as we battle the enemy each and every day, but we also see the worst of each other.  Our attitudes that get the best of us when we are frustrated or hurt or discouraged (yes, these emotions do happen on the mission field).  We are still humans on these mission trips.
  2. People see us outside of Facebook world.  They get the real us.  We can’t hide behind a camera, but have to face the real reality that we are all human and we have flaws on the inside and outside.  I am reminded of our time in Panama when we went to the jungle.  Three days of no showers, no makeup, no hair gel.  It was a glorious display of God’s creation.
  3. We laugh….A LOT.  There’s something wonderful about laughing until you are about to pee your pants.  A camaraderie is developed so much that the team delights in making
  4. We weep.  It is true that when one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers.  When someone on the team is hurt or is suffering, it offers the opportunity to engage into the grief of a fellow brother or sister.    We weep out of joyful heart as we celebrate what God did in saving people and we also weep out of a joyful heart as we celebrate what God did in us.  I witnessed my son weep on the last night of our Panama trip as he thanked God and the team for encouraging Him and helping him through the week (the beginning of the week was a little tough).
  5. We worship together.  We have a saying–Worship makes you stronger (check out AweStar ministries for an incredible opportunity to share the Gospel).  It’s true.  After a long morning or afternoon of ministry, seeing lethargic people come to life as they sing praises to God is an incredible experience.
  6. We see the power of God.  Man, do we see the power of God.  In the midst of the sweat, tears and being tired, the power of God breaks through and we see people raised from death to life.  We experience the same power that raised Christ from the dead every day as we encounter lost people.  It is amazing.

The authenticity created knocks down walls of pride, selfishness, and allows God to move.  To be honest, it’s hard sometimes to do within the walls of the church as much as we try.

Authenticity.  If you’ve never experienced it, join me as we go into the highways and by-ways of life in our Mobile Home Communities or on the mission field as we venture to Panama, Peru or Mexico.

This is the main reason I want students and adults to join me on the mission field because once you taste the authentic and abundant life (and I’m talking more than just a spiritual high), there is no turning back.  Everything else seems so…..inauthentic.

Students and adults who taste and see that the Lord is good can’t accept any substitute.

I wonder though–in the church, is it possible to experience this?  I believe so which is one reason we started The Gathering.  We don’t want to just experience that authenticity when we go to another country, but we want to experience it weekly as we worship together as the body of Christ.

If you want to attempt the authentic life, join me.  All of those with bad breath and gas qualify 🙂

Get Out of the Boat

Posted: September 18, 2014 in Uncategorized

And the master said to the slave, ‘Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled.

Luke 14:23

“Instead of closing our eyes and bowing our heads, sometimes God wants us to keep our eyes open for people in need, do something about it, and bow our whole lives to Him instead.”

About seven years ago, our church started partnering with an incredible missions organization called Awe Star ministries.  What this ministry does is take students on 7 day, 14 day and 35 day mission trips to share the Gospel all over the world.  It has made a tremendous impact on the life of my family and the life of our church.  I remember talking with Walker, president of AweStar ministries, and I asked him, “Why don’t you take what you do in foreign countries and do that here in the states?”  A fair question.  His response, “It’s the church’s responsibility.”  At first, I thought it was kind of an odd statement, but the more I thought about it, he was right.

It is my responsibility, our responsibility as the church to be the church to the communities that surround us. Sure, it’s great to a once in while mission trip in our community, but what about 24/7 being the church to our community rather than expecting people to always come to our church?  Why not go to where the darkness is and one by one be light to communities?

At this same time, our church started doing ministry in mobile home communities.  What this consisted of was an occasional cookout.  In 2008, we took our first mission trip to Mission Arlington in Texas with our students.  I was not expecting anything other than a great experience for our students, but what God did was birthed a hunger and desire to reach our community–especially those who most churches were not willing to reach.  Mission Arlington/Metroplex has over 300 house churches and provide Jesus, food and many other things to those in their community.  They go after the hurting and those who may not necessarily darken the door of a church.

Soon after returning, we went to a mobile community two miles from our church and asked if we could use a home for ministry/after school.  At first we were turned down, but about a month later, we were allowed access.  From here, we started an after school program and another church started a lifegroup at the community.  We didn’t see a whole lot of fruit for about two years and during these two years, we were tempted to give up, but the Lord never let us give up.  Through the faithful and consistent ministry of Jennifer Grant and my family, God started opening up doors as new managers, who were believers, came on the scene.

As a result of all of this, the doors are opening for us to be a presence in these communities.  We have access right now to three communities.  We are the first one’s to call when people need prayer or salvation.  We are the first to call when people need help.  This summer we had PowerCamps in each of these communities each week to share the Gospel.  We have seen many come to know Christ.  Our 4th-6th Graders, incredible adults and students have led the charge in this ministry.  We were able to also host an evangelistic soccer camp.  Now, after a successful summer of ministry, the Lord asked me, “What Now?  Are you going to just wait until next summer to get re-connected again?”

We are starting an after school program in an East Tulsa mobile community along with starting a church on Sundays.  We are in the process of getting mobile homes to house the events/activities for this community.  What I am finding is the managers of these properties want to change their communities for the better and we are able to help make that happen.  We also have just received the go ahead to start a church on Sunday mornings at a mobile home community down the street that we have been serving in over the past four years.  Included in the after school program will be a leadership program that will help kids/students learn to take pride in their neighborhood and lead out in their communities to improve it using our Leader in Training material.

Up to this point, I have been waiting for everything to line up and wait on circumstances, but as Peter had to put his feet into the water in order to walk on the water, I need to get out of the boat and stop waiting for the perfect circumstances and that is the reason for this blog post.  It’s time to move forward.  God has used these last 5-6 years to prepare us for now.  There has been a team of people praying and seeking the Lord for next steps and I believe God is honoring that.

So, what does this look like?

1.  BE the Church.

People won’t listen until they know you care.  This step will take resources.  As of right now, we are helping through providing furniture, food, and activities for the communities.  Through this we are able to share the Gospel.  We are in the process of starting to remodel one of the homes in one of the communities for a Clubhouse that we can do after school programs/PowerCamps in.

Resources we need right night now are: manpower(church groups) to fix up mobile home for a community center in a community(materials are provided for); funding for cookouts and events for the communities; funding to encourage the managers at each location; people to start praying what there role will be: After School Power Camps/Church/Leading lifegroups/Pastoring Communities; mobile homes to fix up to be community centers in each community($5000-$10000 each to buy and repair)

We have been so blessed by the people of these communities that we are a part of.

We encourage people to read the book, “Toxic Charity”, though in preparation for the opportunities that present themselves.  We want to empower the people and communities, not them rely on us for spiritual welfare.

2.  Start LifeGroups.

As we gain the opportunity through caring, we want to provide Bible studies that will help people start their spiritual journeys. Through the initial phase of opening doors, we are praying for people of peace who can open their home for LifeGroups or help lead in the community centers/churches to be opened in each community.  We also want to provide life coaching through Financial Peace and Family iD.

3.  Start Churches.

Our goal is to train up people who would desire to pastor these communities.  These pastors will need a hub of spiritual support and recovery, hence the need for them to have a strong church home to be fed either through starting our own church or connecting with their home church.

They will then through the week provide opportunities for their church to come together for worship, fellowship, discipleship and missions.  Our goal isn’t necessarily for people to come to one of our established churches but to be  the church in their community and come together as a church to change lives through Jesus.  But if they do come to established churches then great!  We still want to partner with churches where the people can benefit the most in regards to spiritual growth.

We are open to starting churches in more than just mobile communities–anywhere the church is not going and the Lord leads us, we are willing to go.

Training of these pastors will come through bi-weekly or monthly gatherings of teaching, worship, and testimonies.

We have opportunities NOW to start these churches.

Resources needed: funds for lunches before church service (possible name 11:28 church-“come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest”); willing people to give their time to mentor children and students/adults.

4.  Host In-State and Out-of State Churches.

We have the capacity to house mission groups that will be able to do construction, PowerCamps, Soccer Camps and more in these communities.  Not just in these communities, but we want to resource churches in our community with these groups coming from in-state and out of state, so how can we partner with other churches in bringing Jesus to their communities?

We already have one group committed for 2015 and possibly two more.

Resources we need for this to be accomplished: 6-8 person Shower Trailer (approx. $20,000.  This would also double as a disaster relief shower trailer that can be used across the country when disaster strikes); Churches that need groups to come in to help them evangelize their communities.

5.  Plant Churches.

We want to see pastors come out of these communities.  My goal would be to see a church in every mobile community in Creek County and Tulsa County.  The good thing about planting churches is it’s not going to take a lot of funding to maintain these sites once established.  The churches in these communities will not look like a typical church that we experience on Sunday mornings.

I like how John 1:14 is phrased in The Message, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish.” 

John 1:14 speaks to what we have to become in order to reach those that aren’t being reached.  God took drastic measures to reach the people he created by moving His Son into the world.

Again, I am reminded that the ingredient that Peter needed to walk on water was His feet…..Jesus did the rest.  His feet demonstrated his faith.  He had to get out of the boat and the first thing that had to come out of the boat was his feet and that is where I am.  I have waited for the perfect situation and circumstances, but also need to realize that when Peter stepped there were not perfect circumstances, but in Matthew 14:24, it says, “… the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves.”  If I wait until the circumstances are perfect, I will never step out.

In this context of Peter taking the step of faith, Romans 10:14-15 becomes clearer:

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him?  And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him?  And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?  And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?  That is why the Scriptures say,

“How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”

It takes prayers and FEET to be the church.

In closing, this is is ultimately what this ministry is about (possibly name it Serve Tulsa Metro) is all about….

And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.  So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”  For God :made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin,[a] so that we could be made right with God through Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:18-20


Are you interested in taking the church to our communities?  Email me at if your are interested in making a difference.  Many of my friends go on mission trips at least once a year.  How about going on missions weekly or 24/7?

Maybe for you it’s time to get out of the boat.

What is Apologetics?

Posted: September 10, 2014 in Uncategorized

On Sunday evenings with our high school leadership students in our Leaders in Training ministry, we are spending the semester on apologetics and helping students come to their own conclusion as to what they believe and why they believe. I will post additional resources to my site in addition to the weekly devotional material they are doing.

This video goes along with Week 2 Fall Semester.


How Do You Know There is a God?

Posted: September 10, 2014 in Uncategorized


On Sunday evenings with our high school leadership students, we are spending the semester on apologetics and helping students understand what they believe and why they believe. I will post additional resources to my site in addition to the weekly devotional material they are doing.

This video goes along with Week 1 Fall Semester.


The teams are on their final day of ministry and Ethiopia is on their way back to the states.

Pray for safe travel and as the prepare to come back to their homes, schools and churches.

Through this experience they have truly tasted and have seen that The Lord is good.

Pray also for the Calvary/Parkview teams as they are in Peru going to churches to do VBS AND Crusades!

Thank you for lifting these teams up in prayer!


Check out all of the great stories that continue to happen at

Pray for the national leaders/pastors that are leading the teams in Peru, Panama, Nicaragua, and Ethiopia.

After the teams leave next week, their churches will be following up with those who made decisions—pray for them for strength and intentional discipleship! Pray for hose who have become believers that they will get connected in these churches!

FYI….iGo Missions conference is coming the first weekend in November in Owasso. Make plans now to go with is. Details are at


This week I am at Falls Creek so I am not able to post as much, but continue to be faithful in praying for our missionaries!

Would you pray for more to see the harvest? Even as burners, it is easy to become numb to the pain and “lostness” of our country. Which is why intentional efforts like those currently on the mission field have to happen.

There are over 5,000 people here at falls creek. What if all 5000 people took the call of God seriously? What if the approximate 40,000 people that come to Falls creek this summer (5000 people x 8 weeks) truly committed to being a missionary at home and abroad. Our cities, state and nation would be changed.

May the what if turn in to reality. Pray for a harvest this week but also an urgency for us this week to share the Gospel locally.




Your story matters.

How you came to know Christ matters. Check out what happened with the Ethiopia team:

At the end of our drama, one of our students got up and shared his testimony, which included a heartbreaking story of him losing his mother at a young age. After sharing, this same young man felt burdened to go and share the gospel with the aforementioned man and as he started the discussion the man began sharing how his testimony greatly touched his heart due to the fact that he too had lost his parents at a young age and had now been homeless for twenty-two years. Through a moving heart to heart between the two men our homeless friend became our brother in Christ. 

God brings you through circumstances to bring others through similar circumstances.  Who would have thought, even through hard circumstances, that God brought this student all the way to Ethiopia to touch the heart in someone who needed Christ.

Praise God that you have a story.  Do you have a story in how Christ saved you?  Don’t be ashamed to share it!

Pray–you can see the updates and pictures at




Through the Freedom Drama, the Lord draws people to himself.  The language barriers themselves cannot stop the movement of God.  The students get an opportunity to experience the same power that raised Christ from the dead over 2000 years ago.  When a person, dead in their sin, come to know Christ, they are raised to new life in Christ.  How awesome is it that our students will get an opportunity to see that happen hundreds of times this summer.

Question for you: Has the salvation of souls become dull to you?  When is the last time you experienced the same power that raised Christ from the dead by sharing the Gospel and seeing the dead raised to life as a result of trusting in Him.  Pray for God to restore the joy of His salvation to your life.  Ask God to bring people in your life today that needs Jesus’ healing touch!

Check out the incredible updates at


Some of the teaching students will be receiving this summer is on the Orphan Heart.  Walker Moore, President of AweStar Ministries, has recently wrote a book on this subject called, “Escape the Lie.”  Here’s a synopsis:

“When Jesus told His followers, I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you. (John 14:18), He was referring to an ongoing relationship with a loving Father. But Satan s deceptive tactics block most Christians from the lives God intended. Escape the Lie: Journey to Freedom from the Orphan Heart uses powerful, biblical teaching about the three voices, identity in Christ, and the orphan heart along with compelling true-life examples to help readers identify and renounce the orphan heart s crippling wounds and move into abundant life. Walker Moore provides answers for the deep-seated problem known as the orphan heart. He also discusses the destruction brought by the orphan heart that dupes its unwitting host into a fatherless existence. He crafts a compelling analysis of the relationship God desires to have with each person that would set one free from the lies of Satan. This book consistently points readers toward hope in Christ and the freedom gained by overcoming the pain of our past.”

As you are praying, grab a copy of this book either at, at the Seeds bookstore at Foundation Church or on  Pray for our students as they gain more traction on the solid foundation of Jesus this summer!  Discipleship is one of the things that sets AweStar apart.


Escape the Lie

Check out stories and pictures of the mission teams at